WordPress Translator Plugin of The Future: Translation in 32 languages

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Translate to EnglishÜbersetzen Sie zum Deutsch/GermanTraduzca al Español/SpanishTraduisez au Français/FrenchTraduca ad Italiano/ItalianTraduza ao Português/Portuguese日本語に翻訳しなさい /Japanese한국어에게 번역하십시오/Korean中文翻译/Chinese Simplifiedترجمة الى العربية/ArabicVertaal aan het Nederlands/DutchΜεταφράστε στα ελληνικά/GreekПереведите к русскому/RussianOversetter til Norsk/Norwegian中文翻译/Chinese TraditionalTraduzir a Língua portuguesa brasileira/Brazilian PortugueseПревеждам към Българин/BulgarianPrevesti to Hrvatski/CroatianPřeložit do Čech/CzechOversætte hen til Dansk/DanishKääntää jotta Finnish/FinnishLefordít -hoz Magyar/HungarianÞýða til Íslenska/IcelandicTraducir a Latinoamericano Español/Latin American Spanishtagapagsalin sa Filipino/FilipinoTłumaczyć wobec Polski/PolishA traduce la spre Român/RomanianPrevesti za Srpski/Serbiantolmačiti v slovenski/SlovenianÖversätta till Svensk/SwedishChyfieitha at Cymraeg/Welshtercüme etmek -e doğru Türk/TurkishReddo ut Latin/Latin

We are working on the new incarnation of a super exciting Translator Plugin. You can see it in action in our Job blog. It supports translation in 32 additional languages. Yep, it is not a typo.

It has a new intelligent caching engine, designed from ground-up, which will drastically reduce your server load and serve the pages super fast, without loading the translation engines. It intelligently reduces the number of requests and manages the load factor so you do not overburden the translation engines and also your server, thereby reducing your bandwidth and serving your users faster.

It has strong failover support built-in. In other words we try really really hard to translate each and every page in all the supported languages. Additionally it recognizes lower quality translations and automatically moves over to better quality translations as early as possible.

On the user interface front it sports a simple API to fully customize the display and flags. We are revamping the options page and simplifying it while providing more options to customize your plugin. It will very likely have a simple and advanced section.

There are lots of new exciting features which I will detail later.

What are you waiting for? You can purchase the plugin here and boost your site visitors now by as much as 400%, according to our customers. You will be upgraded for free when the new version releases.

We are also working on a version for non-WordPress blogs and websites. Stay tuned.

1. We will not provide all the languages displayed in the jobs blog. We will however add few language(s) to the 13 languages we currently support. Feel free to suggest your favorite language from the mix.

2. The version displayed in the jobs blog is currently under development, specifically on the options page. However most of the core functionality is done including the new caching engine. Preliminary QA testing will start next week. It should be available in April-May timeframe.

July 20, 2010: 11:05 am

Wow that is a lot of languages. Maybe some of the people who use it could use a dentist because no one wants to look at someone if they have bad teeth. That would just be disgusting.

June 17, 2007: 10:09 pm

We support Arabic to English in Translator Pro and Translator Gold. Have you tried them?

June 17, 2007: 12:41 am

Please work on a translation tool from Arabic to English . I have tried many translation tools but they are not still in a position to translate even a single sentence meaningfully

March 22, 2007: 6:02 am

Hi again Angsuman
Just checking back on progress of the new version Translator Pro.
Any update please on expected release date?

March 18, 2007: 6:12 am

Could we have Polish, please?

March 15, 2007: 3:39 am

I’m wondering how your plugin would react to translating my quotation website.

Would it be as effective?

March 10, 2007: 11:19 pm

I am considering it. In fact I am working with some entities on this issue. However unless I use a monthly fee based scheme I cannot justify the additional cost.

March 7, 2007: 10:48 pm

If there is a price increase with “ATPP Gold”, will you consider licensing the translation services or purchasing a server-based translation engine from some of the more major companies?

March 7, 2007: 2:23 pm

Thanks Michael. I very much appreciate your feedback.


For several reasons:
1. I have concerns on the amount of total load that can reasonably given to the translation engines if we deploy it as widely as Translator Pro is today.
2. While having them is one thing but testing 32 languages with all its combinatorial possibilities in all the blogs; even the thought is giving our QA nightmares.
3. It is not about providing the languages; we do have to support them too.

Hence we may release the full 32 languages to a limited audience only maybe as a different plugin, ATPP Gold or likewise. I am thinking about this.

March 7, 2007: 12:50 pm

Why will you not be providing “all the languages displayed in the jobs blog”, especially when the title of this article contains “Translation in 32 languages” and the hook is “It supports translation in 32 additional languages”?

March 7, 2007: 12:40 pm

First of all, congratulations on a great plugin. I’ve been using it for a month now and I’m very happy.

I would request that you consider adding the feature of making translated RSS feeds available.

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