Working To Transition To Dedicated Web Hosting
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkFriday, June 30, 2006
I am working to transition my server to dedicated web hosting. My Westhost VPS account is crumbling under traffic and no amount of optimization is being able to handle anymore the heavy traffic I am getting. Having said that I love to solve this type of problems. Bring it on!
I knew I was moving towards a dedicated server. But each time I was able to delay the process with one more optimization. Last week or so it has been a constant vigil (automated). I have setup a process which checks it the Apache server is up as well as the MySQL server. If either of them fails to respond then it restarts both. Sometimes even that didn’t server as my VPS went into a limbo. I had to restart the virtual machine itself.
Last time around I short-listed few dedicated hosting providers along with dedicated solution by WestHost. I will try to decide by tonight someone to move forward with.
You may face some interruptions in service for the next few days. Please bear with me as I try to move to a much better solution - dedicated hosting with tons of bandwidth, CPU and memory.
Angsuman Chakraborty