Recruitment Testing Software: Features & Requirement

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

I have been trying to find a good software for meeting our recruitment needs. I need a software which will allow our candidates to take a timed test online and it will score them immediately and inform us about the results. More specifically features I am looking for are:

  1. Ability to conduct timed online tests
  2. Ability to evaluate answers and calculate scores
  3. Ability to email total score, errors etc.
  4. Ability to randomize questions and answers.
  5. Ability to conduct profile information validation.
  6. Ability to prevent users from taking the test repeatedly.
  7. Ability to compensate for browser-server round-trip time. We don’t want to penalize the test taker for slowness of browser or machine or internet connectivity.
  8. Ability to revise previous answers.
  9. Ability to score text answers.
  10. Ability to support penalty scoring
  11. Ability to automatically send different emails based upon score
  12. Tamper proof. You shouldn’t be able to manipulate the time or questions in any way.

In my extensive search I couldn’t come across a single piece of software which meets these basic requirements, so I decided to write one for our recruitment tests. Do you know of any software with these capabilities. Secondly what features do you think would complement well this minimal feature set?

BTW: I have decided to use PHP as my development platform and MySQL as the database. Feel free to ask why.

May 19, 2010: 10:02 am

you should try the testing tools from

all the best

March 5, 2010: 1:05 am

Iam searching for a job at testing tools.I am completed my mca degree in sri venkateswara univsersity

Sarah Vale
May 10, 2008: 12:40 am

Please email me all your info on purchasing your package
I run a recruitment company in Zimbabwe and want to do testing for my candidates
EG word typing excel powerpoint etc

Sarah Vale
April 14, 2008: 11:28 am

I am interested in buying software packages for my recruitment agency.
When i registered in England there were tests that one did when one registerd
I am based in Zimbabwe, please advise if you do it and who else i can contact.
Sarah Vale

October 3, 2007: 1:15 pm

Necesito una demo de su software nos interesa!


November 19, 2006: 5:18 pm

[...] In the previous post I mentioned about developing a recruitment testing software. We decided to develop the software to help with our ongoing testing needs for hiring new developers. The key features are: [...]

Susan Kallsen
November 18, 2006: 2:23 pm

I’m looking for the same kind of timed test that runs in PHP/MySQL…Not sure from what’s written above…have you created one? Thanks!

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