Android OS on Acer boots (complete) in 18 seconds, shutsdown in just 1!

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, June 4, 2009

android-logoAfter our early story of Acer netbooks embracing Android OS, we along with the whole tech world, were interested in  following up with any further news on the same. As the first news is out, it looks wow-fully interesting. Atom N270 with a 10.1- Aspire one D250 was taken for the test at COMPUTEX by Jim Wang,  Global operations president, Acer. The whole boot up process including the complete desktop load time took about 18 seconds at max. And the shut down was instantaneous, hardly 2 seconds! The demo machine had Wi-Fi connectivity, 3G or WiMAX products powered by the WAN.

In that show, they used Android to open a standard browser, YouTube and also google docs to open a power point presentation. So without further ado, let me put up some screen shots

Aspire one D250 with Android OS at COMPUTEX

Aspire one D250 with Android OS at COMPUTEX

MSN website displayed through Android

MSN website displayed through Android

A power point presentation at Android using Google docs

A power point presentation through Android using Google docs

If you are interested in watching the videos of boot up and shut down time, here is the link

December 8, 2009: 1:48 am

Some common issues that you may have with the webcam on your Acer Aspire 5570z is that it may not work immediately after purchase.

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