Facebook Chat Not Showing Up For Good

By Reema, Gaea News Network
Saturday, October 9, 2010

LOS ANGELES, (GaeaTimes.com)- All those who were disappointed because their Facebook chat is not showing up temporarily, should actually be excited and feel happy about it. The reason is that, the social networking site is in the process of offering the users something better.

Many other exciting tools and applications are about to be introduced, for which, many applications, including Facebook chat is not always showing up. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the launch of a new Facebook tool, called the, “Groups”, which will take Facebook chat a step further. “Groups” will give provision for group chat. This is something that would be experienced by Facebook fans for the first time on this site. The application, apart from chatting, will also enable collaboration with group friends and sharing of data through chatting. Features like Docs, and other advanced functionalities like automatic Event invitations, will also be some of the salient features of this particular application.

If your Facebook chat is not showing up, and you want to enable group chat, then click the “Create Group” link in the Facebook home page’s left navigation sidebar. If the user already belongs to several groups, then “more” option will be seen. This will be followed by a pop-up, where the users can start adding the friends and making the group. He can use a typeahead to select friends to add to the Group. The group members can make use of all the applications in that group. However, the non members can only see the Group name, members, description, existing posts, Group Events etc, but he cannot edit or comment on them.


deepa khatri
November 1, 2010: 1:14 pm

y facebook is not showing chat window………plz help me out………..its a big prblm

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