Have I Graduated in Blogging?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I have just posted my 1000th article on this weblog. Over the years I have tried hard to keep this blog informative and timely. The frequency of posting have increased over the last 6 months.

Thanks to all my regular readers for being with me and this weblog over the years. I have received your tremendous support over the years. James Huff should get special mention for his contributions; thanks James. I have received on average 3 comments per posts which I think is creditable considering that I painstakingly reject all spam comments.

In the process we gained few accolades too:

As always I appreciate your feedback to make your experience even better.

BTW: I will be progressively rolling out new layout in all my blogs before the end of this month. This blog will be updated depending on the success and feedback of the rollout on my other blogs.

April 20, 2006: 12:24 am

Thanks for your feedback.

And thanks for your kind offer to help. I am looking forward to your feedback on something big I am developing. More on it soon.

Take care,

April 20, 2006: 12:05 am

Congratulations on reaching the big 1,000! As for the contributions that you have thanked me for, you are always welcome to them. As always, I’ll continue to comment as often as I can. Please let me know if you need any more contributions.

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