Translator Plugin Pro 5.0 Update

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Translator Plugin Pro 5.0 has been fully tested and ready for release. The final step before the release is completing the documentation. Translator 5.0 is focussed on providing enterprise grade robustness and automatic recovery capability in case of failures. The product has been re-designed and tons of new features have been added. Some of the key new features are:
1. New robust, low resource consuming ultra-fast caching engine. It incorporates advanced second generation caching algorithms (forget wp-cache) to reduce the load on your site and translation engines, thereby increasing availability and speed of serving translated pages.
2. Statistics on translated page views and cache performance
3. API to exclude sections from translated pages and also to include content only in translated pages based on popular demand
4. Advanced load distribution feature to prevent overloading translation engines which ensures significantly better availability on high load sites
5. New languages & new translation engine
6. Robust handling of errors from translation engines
7. Protects your site from overloading by robots and automated user agents
8. Failover support; when a translation engine fails to translate, new engine is automatically given the task. It continues till we can provide a translation or we run out of translation engines.
9. Simplified user interface. The options panel has been broken into basic and advanced tabs. Each tab has been sub-categorized into different groups of options. The overall look is much nicer and easier to use and configure.

There are lots of other features which I will describe in the future posts in this week and next. Translator 5.0 comes with a new infrastructure which will allow us to provide two most exciting features in version 6.0. Translator 5.0 will be the basis of our new product - Translator for Web, a product to provide robust automatic machine translation capability to any web sites.

We will also release limited copies of translator plugin with all 32 languages enabled as on this site. Existing customers will be given a preference, so book your copies now.

This time around we will provide documentation in HTML as well as PDF format. Existing customers are requested to white-list my email address so you can receive your updates without any problem. Updates will be provided to existing customers within 15 days of public release.

May 26, 2007: 7:34 pm

Thanks Angus, can’t wait to enjoy the benefits of it.

Keeep up the excellent work.



May 23, 2007: 2:34 am

After a few problems with not receiving the plugin, it was sorted out very well by the site owner.

For anyone in the future who has spam filter problems and does not receive her copy, please be assured that the site owner ids doing everything he can to make sure you receive your purchase.

I suggest that in the future you link to a secure download site to avoid the spam filter problems

May 23, 2007: 2:12 am

The feature will be released later as a separate plugin. The required infrastructure has been implemented in Version 5.0.

May 22, 2007: 7:40 am

Hi Angusman

Thanks for the new release, I can’t wait to update version 4.

Is the feature “replace with human translation when available” present?

If so, I’m really excited to try it!

I’d like to use your plugin with all 32 languages on 4 websites, can you make me an offer or will I have to buy it 4 times for each website?

Thanks, keep up the excellent work!


May 18, 2007: 10:46 pm

The upgrade is free for all customers. The plugin is now ready for release.

We are still working on the documentation and perfecting the applications to easily send the updates. Documentation is a necessary evil. I don’t like doing it but I always end up writing big comprehensive documentation and that takes some time.

Please ensure that any email from angsuman[at]taragana[dot]com doesn’t end in your junk email folder. Please whitelist this email address.

May 18, 2007: 7:15 am

Can I book a copy. Is the upgrade free or paid?

May 17, 2007: 12:17 am


when we get the copy of the new update?

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