How To Enable Nice Friendly URL in Vanilla Forum

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, October 23, 2006

Open up conf/settings.php and add this line:

$Configuration['URL_BUILDING_METHOD'] = 'mod_rewrite';

Believe me, that’s all you need to do. Ain’t that easy?
Note: I am assuming that you are using Apache HTTPD Web Server with mod_rewrite enabled.
Note 2: I have tested it on windows but I have all reasons to believe that it will work fine on Unix / Linux too. Normally Windows is the harder one to solve as far as Apache is concerned :)

July 17, 2010: 1:20 am

Hey great stuff, thank you for sharing this useful information and i will let know my friends as well.

June 22, 2010: 4:22 am

You can always expand on your responsibilities under each career you’ve listed, but front load the career summary with the important and persuasive information that will keep them reading.

May 24, 2010: 7:44 am

thanks for the information.

May 19, 2010: 9:39 am

Very interesting reports I think I need to update my PHP again Forum

May 6, 2010: 4:26 am

Thanks for wonderful post. Really enjoyed reading it…

March 31, 2010: 12:19 am

ich bin gerade auf einer kleinen Reise quer durchs web. Nun bin ich also auf dieser tollen Homepage gelandet und muss sagen: Der Besuch hat sich gelohnt! Ich werde deine Seite auf jeden Fall wieder mal besuchen! Wenn du Lust hast, kannst du ja auch mal auf meiner Homepage vorbei schauen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen. Nun wünsche ich eine tolle Zeit!

January 30, 2010: 11:14 pm

Thanks for sharing this tips.

November 20, 2009: 1:29 pm

I like your post. No matter what amount of debt a person has, willingness to retire is the first step

November 19, 2009: 2:54 pm

Its very intresting and Informative stuff. Women finds it difficult to manage their cost, save $1 a day and you can see the difference it makes

October 14, 2009: 1:48 am

It’s really amazing. Debt can be rescued by reducing expenses not by increase income

October 10, 2009: 12:02 pm

Great work! What is discuss here is one side of the coin, what about social media, isnt it a challenge to google

October 8, 2009: 12:25 pm

Great post! My friend runs a small business we do internet marketing for companies and so a lot of our e-newsletter, blog and seminar content revolve around for promotion. Thanks!!!

June 25, 2009: 7:58 am

Do you think Vanilla SEO is really needed? It already have user friendly URLs.

December 18, 2006: 10:40 am

Where might locate conf/settings.php be located? BTW, can you please advise me on how to fix the blank page issue that results when trying to display pages using WPG2, i.e.

will not be displayed