Algorithm For Hiring At Taragana
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkThursday, October 12, 2006
It is hiring time again! Srini has devised an algorithm for hiring at Taragana which I think very appropriately describes our hiring funnel:
if (isClueless()) { goToIBM(); } else if (runOfTheMill()) { goToWipro(); } else if (thinkUMLIsDesign() && bigAmbitionToBeADesigner() && chooseVariableNamesLikeTheLengthOfThisOne()) { goToAccenture(); } else if ( appreciateDesign() && (knowJava() || knowPHP()) && isTrueDeveloper()) { welcome(); }
If that looks like you and you are located in India (or willing to relocate) please send your resume to hiring[at]taragana[dot]com.
Note: No animals or companies were harmed in the making of this algorithm.