All Destops Are NOT Apple!… At Least Not Yet.

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, January 28, 2008

Today I was introduced the nice (as I hear) Web 2.0 application which enables 1-click uploading of images. It sounded great and it was a public beta, so I didn’t think twice (my mistake) before signing up for it. I activated by email and I was raring to go… and then disaster struck.

The file I was downloading was a dmg file. The file extension didn’t sound right. A quick googling revealed it to be OS X file format!

Nowhere in the site it is mentioned that it is a Mac OS X only application. That is just plain wrong. I can understand Windows developers not mentioning their platform and assuming that all users are expected to be on Windows by default as Microsoft Windows still has around 90% (wild guess) of desktop market share. However Apple! Apple will be glad to have even 3% (wild guess again) market share for crying out loud. Isn’t it presumptuous to present a Web 2.0 application and failing to mention that it works only on 3% of desktop machine at best?


I'm here to share my useless info
May 24, 2009: 10:47 am

Yeah, DMG is an abbreviation for disk image. Kinda like the Mac equivalent of ISO. Most Mac software is distributed in DMG files. The installers themselves are APP packages (basically folders with a .APP extension) inside of the DMG. When you mount the DMG and run the installer inside of it, it copies the program (also an APP package) to the Applications folder. Oh, and Mac OS X has about 8.9% of the market share, Microsoft has 89.6%. Just thought I’d let you know.

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