Google Ahead of Microsoft in Popularity; Java Way Ahead of Paris Hilton

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, July 7, 2006

Google has passed Microsoft in popularity since beginning of 2005. What is even more surprising is their rate of growth and slow decline of Microsoft.
google versus microsoft
These days Google is everywhere. It started with search engines but now it provides email, social networking, home pages, payment system and what not? It is not surprising that Google has surpassed Microsoft in search volume popularity (according to Google trends). What is surprising is that they were already ahead since the beginning of 2005. Also their popularity have surged dramatically since the early months of 2005 and continues to increase.

Microsoft’s popularity appears to be in a steady decline. The impact of Microsoft search cannot be determined from this graph. However as far as Google world is concerned, MSN search had no impact.

paris hilton versus <b>java</b>
On an interesting sidenote, I decided to compare the popularity of ever popular Ms. Paris Hilton to my favorite language - Java. Enjoy.

October 9, 2008: 10:52 pm

Very interesting.

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