Skeptically Yours…India 2007
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkMonday, May 28, 2007
BCCI (Board of Chaos for Cricket in India) cricket team lead by an w%$^ (only words I can think of are non-parliamentary) won over cricket minions Bangladesh and are back to thumping their pathetic little chests. What is interesting is that these ant-killers wimped out when playing a man’s game in West Indies. Will someone in the board of losers comes to senses and appoint the only Cricket Captain India had since the game started?
Another Rahul started chest-thumping before UP elections declaring all the good things which happened in India, including attacking Pakistan, was due to his forefathers; conveniently forgetting all the bad things which happened to India also due to his forefathers like partition of India, three Indo-Pak war, losing a large chunk of the country to China while pathetically chanting Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai, rise of LTTE, rebellion in Punjab & Assam and gazillions more. I wonder what he has to say after the resounding defeat in UP elections.
I have so much more to say but unfortunately freedom of speech isn’t as coveted in India as in USA.
I am hoping that the strong boom in industry will force the parties and government to adopt more of a pro-India stance instead of pro-party or pro-self stance as is the norm, if at least for the hope of securing more funds for the election campaigns.
Fortunately Indian’s are cremated and not buried; otherwise our forefathers, the freedom fighters who gave their life for independence, would be turning in their graves.
India can rise again only through our silent masses, our villagers, our laborers and housewives. Only they can change the status quo of India today. The blood of Nandigram shaked the decade-old stronghold of communist regime in Bengal; this is merely the beginning.