Twitting Twitter… Again
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkMonday, July 2, 2007
Twitter is down again. Initially I was getting down for maintenance messages. Now even that is gone. You will be greeted with a stunning blank page (makes me think that too much of anything, including whitespace, is bad).
It is facing growing pains like any other suddenly popular Web 2.0 startups. Twister is destined to be a poster child of Web 2.0 acquisition.
Even pownce is down. Pownce greets you with:
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Backend did not respond.
Guru Meditation:XID: 1723230344
Update: Twitter is back up again; went down again; back up again… you get the picture
July 2, 2007: 10:12 am
Is it just me or is Twitter down a lot? I know it may be for bvery short periods at a time (10 minutes-1 hour) but you’d think a site as popular wouldn’t be down as much. Especially given the small amount of data it has to handle. -Mike |
Angsuman Chakraborty