An Ode To Dreamhost (Shared Web Hosting Provider)

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, July 7, 2006

Dreamhost, why suckst thou thusly?

My configs error free, all see.
My width of band a mere mirage.
My use of space a laughing joke.

Thy wages paid in full, in time, and yet
Thy temper so villain, so foul.

- Symbiotix wrote a poem to express his bad experiences with dreamhost, a popular web hosting provider. I didn’t use them but I can relate to the experiences. Someday shared or even VPS web hosting (without dedicated resource quota) should be outlawed because of the provider’s propensity for over-selling their resources. When you really start using your quota you see these web hosting providers in their true color. I smell a class action lawsuit on the horizon.


Rajeev Edmonds
November 11, 2007: 1:56 am

It is always advised that before opting for any hosting company a good customer feedback and testimonials should be seen. Testimonials are the best way to analyze the reputation of any web hosting company.

July 9, 2006: 2:41 am

I have also heard complaints about dreamhost before from my friends. They appear to treat harshly when someone goes near or over their limits.
WestHost, my VPS provider, actually is much friendly on this account. It initiated a conversation with me and gave me time to find a solution. I may have outgrown them at this point. However I think their high load support is manned by pretty decent and knowledgable guys. All shared hosting providers oversell. The key issue is how much they oversell and how they behave with their customer’s once they reach their hidden limits. In think they should be more open about their real limits. In my case consuming 9-11% of the CPU was too much for them.

July 7, 2006: 1:55 pm

Actually, you may not be far off with your class action law suit remark…have a look at

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