Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Scales Back; Rumors of Disabling Pirated Copies

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Microsoft has responded to user concerns about phone home feature in Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) program. However rumours are now circulating about an even more ominous intrusion into their privacy.

As promised, Microsoft has now scaled back the phone home feature, so that it only contacts home base every couple of weeks, with the promise that eventually the phone home feature will be phased out altogether. However, there is now a rumor doing the rounds that Microsoft may use Windows Genuine Advantage to disable pirated versions of Windows altogether. via

Some experts predicted that it is possible Windows Genuine Advantage may occassionally even disable computers running genuine copies of Windows by mistake. After all it is Microsoft product.

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July 27, 2006: 8:36 am

[...] Windows Genuine Advantage was sending data daily to Microsoft servers untill everyone and their cousin protested. Now it sends data once in two weeks. Lawsuits were filed seeking class-action status. [...]

July 5, 2006: 12:43 pm

Microsoft’s Genuine Advantage Spy Program

What is very interesting is that Microsoft can pretty much any information it wants to by changing the query remotely.

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