When Google Search Fails

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, October 26, 2006

I have been in an interesting discussion with a very high profile client when Google Search came up. One recurring thought which came up was how the apparent strength of Google search, that made it the number one search engine, is its very weakness in several industries. And Google haven’t been able to address them over the years.

Now I am thinking on how we can improve upon Google and there are lots to improve. Any ideas would be more than welcome. Unfortunately I cannot divulge any more details on the business nor about the weaknesses of Google, but anyone in the industry knows what I am talking about.

There is another way to look at this problem. Backlink based authority is at the core of Google’s search relevance algorithm. And yet there are several fields where such authority is dubious. Can you name some?

I have to admit I am kind of intimidated taking on this challenge. But I know I can do it as we have been reseraching this very field for over a year and made some significant progress.

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