Google Announces Google Desktop Gadget Contest

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Google announces Google Desktop Gadget contest, with $8,000 in cash prizes. You can use Google Desktop Gadget Designer, a new developer tool for creating, maintaining and debugging gadgets faster than before.

The contest runs until July 31st, 2006 and, while supplies last, each developer who submits an approved gadget will receive a limited edition Google Desktop Developer T-shirt and have their gadget shown to millions of Google Desktop users around the world.

Three prizes will be awarded based on popularity, visual appeal, use of new features and creativity.
First prize: $5,000; Second prize: $2,000; Third prize: $1,000.

Winners will be announced on August 21, 2006.

You can check existing Google desktop gadgets to get some idea. Let me know in comments if you decide to participate. I will profile your gadget and link to it.

November 12, 2008: 10:46 am

Написал 1 гаджет.. Довольно трудно разобраться в спецификации. Похоже средства разработки с 2006 года не сильно изменились :(
Если есть ссылк а выше

June 29, 2006: 1:08 pm

“The conditions of participation can be found in the Official Rules.”

June 29, 2006: 9:09 am

Is it required that the gadget presented be created using Google desktop gadget designer? What are the requirements for a submitted gadget?

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