Fake Google Toolbar Installs Trojan Backdoor
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkMonday, July 24, 2006
Scammers have set up an exact copy of the download page for Google’s Toolbar plug-in in an attempt to lure users to download Trojan backdoor (W32.Ranky.FW), Surfcontrol reports.
Some versions of the scam even spoof the correct Google Toolbar web address for Internet Explorer, using Google’s own redirection service in an attempt to hide the real, non-Google address.
W32.Ranky.FW is designed to turn your PC into a bot zombie, and is spread by asking recipients of a spam email to follow an embedded link. The spam email appears to come from Google which is more likely to convince recipients to follow the link.
The version detected by the Surfcontrol fails because of poor programming, but it remains a proof-of-concept in how to attack users using a simple combination of convincing elements. via Link
It highlights the importance of having anti-phishing warning popups integrated in browsers. What bother’s me is that they (or such similar schemes) can use AdWords, for example, to advertise on reputable sites and get large number of people infected in a short time.