Microsoft Bing: The Growth Leader in several Vertical Categories
By Chandrajit, Gaea News NetworkThursday, August 19, 2010
NEW YORK ( — Microsoft Bing has emerged as one of the Leaders in Growth for several vertical categories. It has been a mixed week for Microsoft. Search Engine Shares, Hooking up with Yahoo and split decisions in Facebook Places Mapping Feature are the most notable ones. It is expected that every single event will have an impact on Microsoft in the long run.
The Search Engine statistical figures have remain unchanged for the key players in
the search engine category. As expected Google dominated the US search market in July, but surprisingly Microsoft outnumbered Google in some areas. Bing was the leader in many sectors, including shopping. It demonstrated tremendous growth in Automotive, health, Shopping and Travel
The crux of the matter is how far Microsoft Bing can stretch its vertical limits? Experian Hitwise reported Wednesday. Google had a share of 71.43%, Yahoo 14.43%, Bing 9.86% and Ask 2.32%. The remaining 70 search engines accounted for 1.94% of U.S. searches.
Tags: Bing, Experian Hitwise, Google, Microsoft bing, New York, Travel, Yahoo